How do I use my Instacart+ membership while shopping online with Sprouts?

Once you have successfully signed up for the Instacart+ Membership, visit the “My Profile” page on and select “Import Account Info.” By choosing to import your personal information, you will now have access to your Instacart+ membership, saved credit cards, delivery address, and your previously ordered items. Please note, your email address must be the same across accounts.

What happens if I can’t make my pickup time?

Your order will be held until the store closes. If you are unable to pick up your order before store closing time, please contact Instacart Customer Support to cancel your order. You may reach Instacart by phone at 1-888-246-7822.

Are online prices the same as in-store?

In-store value pricing is generally reflected on Please note, online pricing and product availability may vary or change without notice. The estimated price shown during your online checkout may vary for products purchased by weight (including select meat, bulk, and produce items). Your final total will reflect the prices of items upon purchase in-store and any applicable service fees.

How do I cancel an order?

Orders may be canceled for a full refund with no additional fees prior to your order being shopped for. To cancel your order, view your order within your “Purchase History” and click the “Cancel Order” button. If you no longer see a “Cancel Order” button, please contact Instacart Customer Support to cancel your order. Cancellation fees may apply. You may contact Instacart by phone at 1-888-246-7822 or online at

What is your policy for face coverings in store?

Customers (Updated March 3, 2022)

We encourage customers over the age of 2 to wear face coverings while inside our stores. In accordance with current CDC COVID-19 Community Levels and other recommendations regarding the use of face coverings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Where state mandates or local ordinances require face coverings, we will request or require customers to wear a face covering. Stores communicate this policy to all customers through signage at store entrances. We have face coverings available at store entrances for customers who do not have their own.

Although we may encourage our guests to wear face coverings in accordance with public health recommendations or require them in areas where local or state mandates are in place, we are also allowing face shields in our stores. If you are uncomfortable shopping in our store under our current policy, you may contact your store to arrange a personal shopper. A Sprouts team member will shop for your items and coordinate payment, which includes EBT as a form of payment. Additionally, we also offer curbside pickup or delivery at Team Members

Effective March 3, 2022, team members and customers in all Sprouts stores are no longer required to wear face coverings indoors.

Please note: team members may continue to wear a face covering if you choose to, but are not required to do so.

If you are at high risk, unvaccinated, or in an area were masks are recommended due to high COVID Community Levels, you should consult your physician and may want to take additional precautions.

Click here for a list of local mask mandates

What if one of your team members tests positive for COVID-19?

At Sprouts, we believe transparency about matters of health and safety is critical. When we learn of a confirmed or suspected case in our stores we follow CDC guidelines, inform other team members that may have come into close contact with the affected team member and ask that they self-quarantine, and work with local health departments to determine additional appropriate measures. We also conduct extensive cleaning and sanitizing of the entire store to minimize any risk of surface transmission. Our cleaning crews use EPA approved disinfectants effective against a variety of bacteria and viruses, including Human Coronavirus, SARS associated Coronavirus, and more.