As the editor of a national green-lifestyle magazine, I get a lot of questions from readers. But without a doubt, the number one question I’m asked is, “Why does it matter to eat organic?”
It can be a tough question to answer. And the reality is, even I don’t eat organic 100% of the time, because of one simple fact—it’s not always easy. But eating organic does matter and it is important to incorporate it into your and your family’s life whenever possible. So, when does it really matter to make the organic choice?
Starting Children with Organics

We’ve all seen it, new parents franticly attempting to feed only organics to their little ones. And it makes sense. Pesticides and herbicides can harm the developing brain and nervous system of babies and toddlers. But once children start running and talking, the thought becomes bye-bye Plum Organics fruit and veggie pouches and hello conventional apple sauce. The reality is, organic still matters. For instance, conventional apples have the highest pesticide residue of all commercially grown fruit according to the Environmental Working Group. And the risk of harm to children is higher than adults since they eat more fruits and vegetables, relative to their body weight.
Make Your Switch Easy
List the foods you buy on a regular basis when shopping at Sprouts, and slowly start to transition these items to organic. This list probably contains items like milk, cereal, eggs, and salad mixes. Going organic on these items means they’re not only free of pesticides, but for items like milk, meat and poultry it means they have no hormones or antibiotics added.
Keeping Your Options Open
In the US, there are no standards for certified organic seafood. So, I look for sustainably caught canned tuna from brands like Wild Planet. These brands use pole and line fishing methods (so no turtles are harmed) to catch smaller and younger fish. Smaller fish accumulate less mercury than larger fish, making it a winner in my book.
Buy in Season
Buy in Season. When your favorite fruits and vegetables are in season, buy in large quantities. Sprouts has weekly deals, making it easy for you to stock up. Save time and money by freezing your fruits and veggies. I like to freeze berries on a parchment lined baking sheet and then store them in containers. This way I always have fruit on hand and can make smoothies in a snap by tossing in a handful of berries and enjoying a burst of summer (even if it’s cold and dreary outside).
You Can Trust the Certified Organic Seal
When you see the USDA Certified Organic seal on packaging, you can be assured it’s the real deal. The seal is regulated by the U.S. Government and every brand, grower, manufacturer from certified organic skin care to certified organic juices follow the same standards and practices to earn (and use!) the seal.
About Danny Seo, Editor in Chief
Naturally, Danny Seo
Through his best-selling books, television programs, products, and syndicated column, environmental-lifestyle expert Danny Seo shares the creative ideas that have made him America’s leading authority on modern, eco-friendly living. His magazine “Naturally, Danny Seo”, looks at living the healthy, natural and good-for-you life with a fresh, authoritative voice that covers everything from food, beauty, travel, home, and entertaining all through Danny’s unique point-of-view as America’s leading guru of green living. Naturally, Danny Seo is where style and sustainability meet.